Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Unity of Trinity in Consigning Spiritual Gifts

Biblogic Series: 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

(Hint: When scripture mentions God in proximity to mentions of the Son or Spirit, it means the Father.)
(Hint 2: You might want to read the verses, read the whole chapter, and then read the verses again, before reading the rest of this post.)
God the Father determines various activities of the church and composes the body, like Beethoven with a gazillion-piece orchestra, only infinitely better. (See also verses 11, 18, and 24) (or is it 25?)
Activities of the Father are carried out by services of the Son in members (believers) of His body (the small-c church). Think of a corporation with different divisions working on different projects or operations in different markets, and each employee working on a facet of the business. 
The Holy Spirit assigns spiritual gifts that correspond to and empower the services to be performed by each believer.
If spiritual gifts are consigned only in accordance with the Father's design* and the Son's services, then:
  • Spiritual gifts must vary from believer to believer.
  • If no believer is involved in all services, then the Spirit will not consign all gifts to any believer.
  • If not all believers are involved in a particular service, then the Spirit will not consign any gift to all believers.
  • If not all believers receive a particular gift, then that gift cannot be a confirmation that a believer is saved.
  • If each believer has an assigned service to fulfill some activity of the body, then every believer will be enabled by at least one gift.
(* This does not deny the possibility that the Holy Spirit would consign a gift in response to a request, provided that the motive for the request aligns with criteria in chapter 13. The motives for such requests usually don't.)
If some activities of the body are needed in one place but not in another, then the services and gifts will vary accordingly.
If some activities of the body are needed at one time but not at another, then the services and gifts will vary over time.
If services and gifts vary by place or over time, then the offices will also vary.

If manifestations of the Spirit are given for the common good, then the exercise of any spiritual gift should benefit the whole church, not just the one with the gift. 1 Corinthians 12:7. 

If the Spirit gives to one, one gift, to another, another gift, and to another, yet another gift (etc.), then nobody receives all gifts, and no gift is given to all. 1 Corinthians 12:8-10

If the Spirit individually consigns gifts, then we should view the gifts we have as special, like a gift that was personally chosen and crafted, just for you. 1 Corinthians 12:11

If the Spirit individually determines your gift, then demanding a different gift implies questioning the sufficiency of your gift for your life as well as the Spirit’s wisdom and authority. 1 Corinthians 12:11

If the Spirit individually determines your gift based on the place in the body to which the Father assigned you, then demanding a different gift implies questioning the Father’s design, wisdom, and authority. 1 Corinthians 12:7, 11, 18, 25

Copyright 2021, Richard Wheeler. Permission granted for non-remunerated use, provided that this notice and accepted bibliographic citation accompany the article.

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